Batman Junior: The Audio Recorded Series.

Batman Jr. - Episode 1 "The Pilot"



Pilot - Bruce Wayne Jr, the pampered and privileged nephew of world-renowned playboy and billionaire Bruce Wayne arrives at his new school, Gotham Academy, to begin a brand new year. But as Bruce Jr is introduced to his educators and fellow classmates he soon begins to realize that the rogues of Gotham Academy aren’t as impressed by his swagger and standing as much as he thought they would be. The "Batman Jr" Podcast is what happens when you cross "Batman: The Animated Series" (true classic) with "James Bond Jr" (derivative garbage) and have a couple yahoo's (Chris Brodhead and Michael Dennis) write it. Batman Jr was created in the spirit and style of classic radio dramas like “War of the Worlds” and original podcasts like “Mike Detective”, but with the juvenile humor and biting satire of “South Park”. Make sure to subscribe on iTunes and Soundcloud because “Batman Jr.” will release a brand new episode every month in 2017. Batman Jr is the not the podcast you deserve, Batman Jr is the podcast you need right