Studio Sherpas Podcast

245: The Importance of Knowing Your Numbers to Protect Your Business w/ Braden Drake



I hate the topic of this episode. Just the mention of taxes and numbers sends shivers down my spine. But just because I wish I could ignore the issue doesn’t mean it isn’t important. If you’re serious about your business, you need to be taking these things seriously too. Fortunately, today’s guest is here to make the numbers less intimidating for small business owners like you and me.   Key Takeaways The essentials for all business owners boil down to being able to track income and expenses and having the proper legal protections in place. The two most important insurances to have for your business are general liability insurance and errors and omissions insurance. Having a contract between you and clients will set proper expectations and show that you’re a true professional in your field. About Braden Drake Braden is a California licensed attorney and tax professional. His tagline is your gay best friend here to help you get your legal and tax sh*t legit. Braden works primarily with service-based, creative s