Emotion At Work

Episode 50 - Emotion at Work in the Imposter Phenomenon



In this episode, Phil talks about the Imposter Phenonemon or more commonly known as the Imposter Syndrome. No guest is featured here but rather it includes targeted questions and reflection times throughout the episode for you as a listener to consider.   Who we are making comparisons with and who those comparisons are against is an area that is reflected on here. Whether that comparison happens within oneself, in the workplace, or observed in others, different perspectives are explored. Within these perspectives, Phil gives the listener some time to reflect on the learnings throughout and for instance, focus on the question “Where does that comparison come from?”.   Comparison, the comparative aspect applied by managers and in general the comparative nature of our everyday living is explored in detail, with examples where other key themes such as Meritocracy and individualistic structure are visible. “Comparison is the thief of joy”, as Roosevelt once said, and that is something to keep in mind while lis