Emotion At Work

Episode 47 - Emotion at Work in Shame in the Workplace



Shame as an emotion and topic in the workplace is one particularly interesting to me because I have experienced it, and long story short, led me to the work I do today. This is something my guest Francesca Cardona is an expert in and why I chose to bring her onto the podcast. Francesca is an organizational consultant and coach and we first got onto discussing the idea of as she put it “listening to the music behind the words”, so looking beyond the surface of words and emotions, sharing some strategies and tips on how to do that.   Some of the ways in which Francesca does this and tips for the listeners therefore are: Don’t look for a solution but instead accept that you don’t know Even if the client desires an immediate answer, trying not to do so and taking the time it requires is important Try to avoid prejudice and keep an open mind We go onto discussing how shame not only affects individuals but also the workplace. Its cause can be a combination of the individual and the workplace, and there is no