Emotion At Work

Episode 46 - Emotion at work stories - Uncontrollable change



As is often the case with our ‘stories’ series, the content has the potential to affect people, and so fair listener, I want you to take care with this episode, please.  I am talking with my guest Dan Hone about being a business owner in a period of uncontrollable change (AKA Covid-19)   As this is a ‘stories’ episode there are no ‘references’ as such, there were a few things in particular that Dan mentioned as things that helped him and I have added those too.   Thanks for listening Your links or references: https://activearena.co.uk/ - this is the purpose-built indoor 5 a side arena that Dan has built-in Lincoln email address is info@activearena.co.uk https://uk.bookshop.org/books/shoe-dog-a-memoir-by-the-creator-of-nike/9781471146725 - this is the first book Dan mentions https://uk.bookshop.org/books/the-ride-of-a-lifetime-lessons-in-creative-leadership-from-15-years-as-ceo-of-the-walt-disney-company/9781787630468 - Dan calls this book journey of a lifetime and it is 'Ride' of a lifetime https://www