

Adrienne Stortz (@xoxoadrienne) is the creator and host of xoxo cooks, an online cooking show featuring good food you can make at home. She also consults on digital marketing strategy for classical musicians, helping them craft messaging and promote events. Our conversation discusses the balance between client work and a passion project, how she arrived in both the classical music and online video sectors, and how the premise of experimentation and continual improvement can be powerful for freelancers and businesses alike. Catch up with Adrienne on her xoxo cooks YouTube Channel, or on her consulting website,   Show Notes & Links Adrienne runs xoxo cooks, a weekly cooking show on YouTube, and works as a digital marketing strategy consultant for classical musicians Adrienne studied classical piano and Music Merchandising rather than video production or cooking Her previous employers include Carnegie Hall, where she learned to “sell tickets” “Musicians are amazing at what they do, but