

Joaquin Cotler (@ShinyIslands) is a musician based in Brooklyn, NY. In the ten years since finished his degree in music, he’s discovered the many strange sides of being a working musician, from recording and gigging with bands, to writing and performing solo, to teaching and conducting workshops. This conversation covers the music industry, the struggle of working musicians, how YouTube is changing the game, and how musicians across the spectrum learn, perform, and produce music. Catch up with Joaquin via his website, Check out our episode below, as well as some of his tracks embedded after the jump.   Show Notes & Links The Busy Creator is recorded at a standing desk BBC Radio mounts their microphones in the ceiling BBC Radio 1 Shure SM7B mic Blake Stratton, [now retired] singer-songwriter, appeared previously on The Busy Creator Podcast “Musician” is an all-encompassing trade, according to Joaquin Joaquin and The Hot Knives on Facebook “Creative-class Hustler” who is part of “T