Rising Stories

Rising Stories Podcast with Corine Sandifer: Dr. Shreni Zinzuwadia



There is a virus ravaging America and it's called Covid-19. Three months ago, no one knew that it existed. But now this virus has spread to every part of the world. It has filled our hospitals, emptied our public spaces, and kept us all at home.  Frontline healthcare workers are our heroes as they are seeing the worst of it all. Today I am talking with one of them. She happens to be a Lean In circle leader (Latinasurge.org)and an ER doctor in the New Jersey area, just a few miles from NYC.  Shreni is an Emergency Medicine trained and board-certified Emergency Medicine Physician and has been in practice now for 14 years.  She has worked in inner cities, suburban, and rural emergency departments.  Currently practicing in northern New Jersey, Shreni will share her views as a frontline worker during this pandemic. She will also talk the struggles women have to advance in the world of medicine. She will also tell us what she is doing to help stay healthy and keep her family healthy as well. Vitamin A - https://amz