Rising Stories

Rising Stories #134 Marcie Walker Black Coffee with White Friends



In Celebration of Black History Month on Rising Stories, we are continuing our conversations with Women of Color who are changing their world. Today I am speaking with an influencer who is creating a space for women who are not of color to learn about racial justice and about sisterly love. Marcie Walker has started the popular Instagram account called Blackcoffeewithwhitefriends. Marcie began her journey on racial discussions after reaching out to a teacher when her daughter’s class began slave debates. Listen to hear the outcome of this conversation. We also talk about, how she began her blog, Instagram and what she is doing now to bridge those racial gaps in her world. The Devil's Highway  3D fiber Lash Mia Adora Good Grips Avocado Slicer Paper Lanterns Wireless LED   Thanks Barbara Ann Jeter Realtor for sponsoring this episode.  Don't forget to visit our  shop  on Amazon where you can find more favorite things from the show.  Connect with Corine   Facebook // Youtube // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest