Rising Stories

Rising Stories #132 Rachel Cargle



Today’s guest is an activist, writer, speaker, who critically analyzes white feminism. She is causing quite an upheaval on Instagram as she explores the "intersection of race and womanhood" She also voices her views through her workshops, and Harper’s Bazaar essays. Rachel Cargle is providing intellectual discourse, resources, and tools to help dismantle the systems that are harming people of color. But on Rising Stories Podcast you will hear a different side of Rachel Cargle. On this show, you will find out why Rachel is an entrepreneur at heart. Rachel has one of the healthiest views on money I have heard of in a long while. She gives us a glimpse into her life from moving to DC to running her corporation and initiatives. This woman knows about finances! Having raised over $218,000 to help pay for therapy and mental health counseling for women & girls of color. We also touch on the topic of where black men can find their place in the spaces she is shedding light on for women. Listen to the very end when