Rising Stories

Rising Stories #84 Kelsey Aldinger & Kelsey Baty: Powerful Women who are Keeping it Real



On episode #84 I am chatting with Kelsey Aldinger and Kelsey Baty from The Kitchey Kountdown Podcast. Last month they had me on their show to talk about working a side hustle with confidence, consistency and credibility. We had so much fun that I just had to have them on my show.  These two friends share a passion for words and together they are making a space in their community for women to feel understood and united.  On the show today we talk about women who are keeping it real and who inspire us to keep following our dreams. Kelsey and Kelsey share why these women are worthy of following. We also chat about some fun podcasts, make up and of course our favorite apps. You will absolutely love their answers.  On this show you will hear more about a place that needs your funds this Christmas season. It's the KKumi Project: a place in the Wakiso District of Uganda. KKumi means 10 in Luganda. There are ten boys who need your help this season, help them become Rising Stories by giving what you can this year. E