Rising Stories

Rising Stories #67 My Story about the Lean In Leaders Conference 2017



In this episode I share about my experiences while attending the Lean In Leaders Conference 2017 in Palo Alto, CA.  Landing in California, meeting up with a Lean In circle leader from Milan, boarding the CalTrain to Silicon Valley, was just the beginning of an amazing weekend. 75 Lean In Leaders from 17 countries across the globe, including China, Poland, El Salvador, Pakistan, India, Malaysia and Japan gathered for the 3rd Annual Lean In Leaders Conference.  I'll tell you about the time I got stuck at Facebook Headquarters, about the awesome speakers at the conference and of course, about my dinner with Sheryl Sandberg.  Lean In is a nonprofit organization started by Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO and author of Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead & Option B. It is now a strong movement with over 33,000 regional and corporate chapters and circles supporting women in leadership and removing those barriers to advancement. I was invited to attend this conference to represent the Lean In chapter in Nas