Where Are We Going? An Audio Zine

Silt Is... Chupacabra with Claudia Davis



Welcome to "Silt Is," a discussion about the creative process, when it falters, and trying to work through those obstacles. Our guests bring in any unfinished project of theirs that's gone by the wayside for one reason or another, and we see what we can do to get it back on track. On the first episode of "Silt Is," Steven talks to his friend Claudia Davis (http://www.claudiaedavis.com/) about her unfinished Chupacabra animated short, college poetry, Monster: A Film, sprickets, and much much more!  If you'd like to be a guest on "Silt Is," contact us at the email below! We would love to hear from you!   Where Are We Going? http://wawgpod.tumblr.com http://www.facebook.com/wawgpod Twitter/Instagram: @wawgpod Submissions/Contact us at wawgpod@gmail.com