On Property Podcast

WWRD – What Strategy Is Best If You’re Buying Property With Cash?



ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode What property investment strategy would you use if you could purchase property with cash you obtain through inheritance? Hey and welcome back to What Would Ryan Do? The series where you pose a question at me and I tell you what I think about it. What I would potentially do in the situation. Today's episode, we're going to be talking about what strategy is best – or what would I choose – if you're buying properties in cash. Let's read over the question and then we'll go through it. Remember, What Would Ryan Do? It's a bit of fun, it's a way to get someone else's perspective on your situation. I tend to think a bit outside the box, outside what normal people think. So, hopefully, my perspective can help you, but it's definitely not financial or mortgage advise. So always seek professional advise that is my #disclaimer. Alright, here is the question: "I was wondering what strategy you would use if you had