On Property Podcast

WWRD – Buy Positive Property In NZ or Negative Property In Brisbane?



ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode Would I buy a positively geared property in New Zealand or a negatively geared property in Brisbane that needed to be subdivided into 3 townhouses to be positive cash flow? WWRD? Hey and welcome to another episode of What Would Ryan Do, the series where you ask me questions and I give you my perspective and what I would do in this situation. This is not to be considered financial or mortgage advice, just so you know. It is just a little bit of fun. So the question today revolves around whether or not I would purchase positive property in New Zealand or negative property in Brisbane but there are some caveats to it. So let us go ahead and have a look at the question today. Would you buy a property in a smaller city in New Zealand with a 10% yield or a negatively geared property in Brisbane that needs to be subdivided into 3 townhouses to be positively geared? The answer to this one for me is very simple.