On Property Podcast

WWRD – How To Get Your Investment Money Back



ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode What would Ryan do? How would he get his deposit money back whilst maximising tax deductions? Hey guys and welcome to another episode of WWRD or What Would Ryan Do, the segment of On Property where you send in your questions and I give you my opinion about what I would do if it was me in your situation; and I try and leave you with some thoughts that you can think about yourself. We are not taking ourselves too seriously here, but we are trying to help you guys to assess your situation and get some outside thought on it because sometimes you are so deep in the jungle, you cannot see the forest for the trees because you are just looking at your own situation. It can really help to get an outsider's perspective. We also like to have a little fun here, as you can see by the photo; if you have any questions that you want answered, you can submit them. Just email me, Ryan@OnProperty.com.au. So the question to