On Property Podcast

How To Sell Your Property Without A Real Estate Agent



ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode Selling your property yourself can save you thousands in agent commissions. Here's how to sell your property without a real estate agent. There are a lot of people who sell their properties every single year without the use of a real estate agent and thus saving themselves quite a large commission. Today I have with me Daniel Baxter from YourHotProperty.com.au. He helps people sell their properties without a real estate agent and he is going to talk us through the pros and cons of doing that as well as the process on how to sell your property without a real estate agent. Ryan: So hey Daniel, thanks for coming on today! Daniel: Hey Ryan, thanks for having me. I am really excited to be here today. Ryan: So, let us talk first about why would people consider selling their property without the use of a real estate agent. Most people will sell their properties through a real estate agent, what is the benefit