On Property Podcast

How Should First Time Investors Get Started?



ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode How should first time investors get started? Should they save a deposit, use vendor financing, do a joint venture or something entirely different? How should first-time investors get started in the property market? Should they save their own deposit? Go to the vendor finance route? Go into a joint venture? Or use some other strategy? Hey! I am Ryan from OnProperty.com.au, helping you find positive cash flow property and this question was asked by Gordon. Thank you Gordon for sending in your question. If you want to have your question answered, just email it to Ryan@OnProperty.com.au. So when you are a first-time investor, it could be very difficult to get into the market. It could be extremely expensive to get into the market and you feel like you are trying to save, but it just takes forever to get there and you are not making any progress. So, is there a better way than saving your deposit? Should you