On Property Podcast

Alternative Ways Of Thinking About Financial Freedom



ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode Many people get stuck thinking about financial freedom in a non-productive way. Here are some alternative ways to think about financial freedom. Today, I wanted to talk about some alternative ways of thinking about financial freedom and kind of poke the box of what we think financial freedom needs to mean for us and what the ideal lifestyle needs to mean for us. I used to be in the basket of the person who thought that in order to be happy, in order to feel successful in life, I needed to be extremely rich. And I would set goals for myself like, “This year, I'm going to make a million dollars.” and I had in my mind that if I made a million dollars, then I would be successful and I would be happy. And if you're thinking that way, then look, that's absolutely fine. A lot of us go through that phase. A lot of people always want that, but there are some alternative ways of thinking about financial freedom tha