On Property Podcast

How To Know Almost Everyhing About A Suburb (Without Leaving Your House)



ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode Today I share a new tool that gives A LOT of information about a suburb so you can make more informed investment decisions. Hey guys. For years, it's been really hard to find decent data on an area that you're looking at investing in. If you're interested in investing a particular area, if you don't live there, it can be very difficult to know things about that area that you want to know. Things like; even capital growth or crime rates or public housing in the area. What the area is like? What kind of restaurants are in there? Over the last 6 months to 12 months, there's been a lot of tools that have been coming out that have made life a lot easier for us. And we have a new tool that I've actually just discovered yesterday called microburbs.com.au and I've got the creator and founder, Luke Metcalfe with me today to talk us through it and how we can use this to better help our investing. Ryan: Hey, Luke,