Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

RQG The Quiet Year Halloween Special - Part 1



Join Helen, Ben, Lydia, Bryn, and special guest Maddy Searle as they craft a post-apocalyptic community in The Quiet Year!This week Lydia draws elegant sand dunes, Ben invents a mysterious paste, Bryn adds the sheep, Maddy repairs the ruins, and Helen stores the food in a questionable place.Content Notes: InnuendoDiscussions of: food & scarcity, warMentions of: violence, bats, natural disasters, spiders, deathSFX: wind & storms, rumbling, bird calls & chittering, water, bubbling, fire, constructionThis game is focused around the drawing of a map - the final map created by the players can be found here: Please note that this image comes from the conclusion of the game and therefore contains some visual spoilers!Editing this week by Lowri Ann Davies, Elizabeth Moffatt & Cathy Rinella.SFX this week by 13henand, 13NHarri, 150134, adamgryu, alienistcog, BeatArchive, BurghRecords, CaganCelik, Caitlin_100, CBJ_Student, cclaretc, cmusounddesign, CosmicEmbers