How We'll Live Podcast

Getting Real about Diet Culture, Eating Disorder Recovery, Body Positivity, Health at Every Size, and Intuitive Eating with Jennifer Rollin



So when I discovered today’s guest, Jennifer Rollin, on Instagram, where she shares insightful commentary on eating disorders, body positivity, and the health at every size movement I felt really connected to her work.   Jennifer Rollin is a therapist and founder of The Eating Disorder  Center in Rockville, Maryland. She specializes in working with  adolescents and adults with eating disorders, including,  anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, and body image  issues, anxiety, and depression.   Jennifer has been named as one of the top eating disorder  experts in the world by Balance Eating Disorder Treatment  Center. She has a certificate in Enhanced Cognitive Behavioral  Therapy for Eating Disorders and a certificate in Dialectical  Behavior Therapy. She is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.  She served as the chairwoman of Project Heal's national network  of eating disorder treatment providers. She was on The Junior  Board of Directors for The National Eating Disorders  Association. She gives t