Studio Sherpas Podcast

250: The Biggest Takeaways from Five Years of this Podcast



Holy cow! This is episode 250 of the Grow Your Video Business podcast. Five years ago, my buddy Matt and I started this show to help video makers succeed as business owners. It’s been an amazing journey. For today’s special episode, I want to share the three biggest takeaways I’ve learned from hosting five years of this podcast. Key Takeaways Your core values are what give your business direction. They’re how you structure your company and must be at the center of how you build your team. Having systems and structures in place for your business will allow you to stay on mission when the unexpected occurs. Why You and Your Business Need Core Values Identifying what you want to drive your business is critical. At my studio, knowing our core values has given me clarity on who I want on my team and what we are ultimately striving for.  Your core values should be at the center of how you build your team. When you begin hiring and firing according to our core values, it will find its way into your company culture.