Judy Croon

Just Another Mindful Monday 'Taking Your Mind For A Walk'



TAKING YOUR MIND FOR A WALK Hi there, I'm Judy Croon. Welcome to another Episode of Laugh Long and Prosper – Shelf Help with a Smile. I believe that humour is one of our best coping mechanisms-especially when we are facing stress and unknown times like Covid. Today is Monday. That’s means it’s time for 'Just Another Mindful Monday'. As many studies have shown throughout time, exercise is not only good for our bodies but it’s also good for our brains. ‘Big Brains’ throughout history have known the benefits of exercise. Scientist and Nobel Prize winner Marie Currie loved to cycle. She spent her honeymoon with her husband cycling and touring through France. During his imprisonment on Robben Island for 27 years, Nelson Mandela kept up his physical and mental strength by maintaining the daily fitness of a boxer. Even after being released in 1988, he kept up with a daily routine of 100 push-ups, 200 sit-ups and running on the spot for 45 minutes. Mandela said, “I worked better and thought more clearly whe