Georgian Bay Roots

Georgian Bay Roots #264 Oct. 17/21 (with Tom)



Family is the guiding principle of this episode. The show kicks off with Tom's daughter Nora singing on record for the first time, followed by a Culture Reject tune, the man responsible for writing and recording said debut. Russ Walsh's (Sour Cat Records, First Winter, Cruel Bloom) entrance into fatherhood is marked on the show with some cuts from local artists he wrote about in this summer's Rrampt: Habit, Swamp Horlick and Third Development. Steve Ritchie's nephew Josh Ritchie gets in on the action with a track called '911' before Georgian Bay Roots tears the roof off the sucker with Parliament's 'Chocolate City' (yes, there's a local connection!). Summerfolk alumni Fred Eaglesmith chimes in with his song 'Wilder Than Her' and we catch up with local group The Ontarians. Collingwood's Swampy & the Note Troll capture the essence of this episode's theme with their aptly titled 'Connection'. House of Velvet and Drew McIvor round out the hour; never a dull moment on Georgian Bay Roots!