Mads Singers Management Podcast

MSMP 120: Mark Grainger on Communicating and Making Connections in Relationships and Businesses



Today, my guest on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than Mark A. Grainger, the co-founder and CMO of BigImpactHQ.We begin this episode where Mark shares a story from his childhood where he was on a fishing trip with his family and witnessed a whale approach their boat. As the whale was coming, Mark felt fear. However, the whale went silent and retreated into the waters.This experience amazed Mark when he was younger; however, looking back at it led Mark to realize that all living things desire to communicate.Mark works together with his wife to help frustrated women leaders who love speaking where they show them how to overcome their self-doubt.I’m a firm believer in working on one’s natural strengths because it allows you to perform and work better and be happier. With many people working in jobs that don’t like but fill their pockets, it can be easy to bring the negative energy they have in their workplace and influence the people around them to perform poorly. However, when negative habits