Home Style Green

34: eHaus the NZ Passive House Experts with Jon Iliffe



Home Style Green is here to help people build homes that are good for people and good for the planet. In episode 30, I spoke with Elrond Burrell and asked if Passive House was really relevant to New Zealand. This sparked some great debate and I subsequently caught up with New Zealand based Passive House designer, Jon Iliffe of eHaus. eHaus is New Zealand's first building company solely dedicated to building homes to the Passive House Standards. Among other things, Jon discusses: How Germany is managing to decrease energy consumption while growing their GDP.  What was good about 1920s houses and are they still good? How can you justify the cost of building better? Related Posts: Is Passivhaus Relevant to New Zealand References: eHaus: http://www.ehaus.co.nz/ Jon's book recommendation: Insanely Simple, by Ken Segall (Get the Kindle version for only $9.99) IPHA: http://passivehouse-international.org/ PHINZ: http://phinz.org.nz/ Homestar Training: NZGBC Education Calendar