Home Style Green

21 Upcoming Events Red Tape and the Value of Being Green



I'm a sustainable homes expert and I want to create healthy, efficient homes that don't cost the Earth. This week, I answer a couple of listener questions about the cost effectiveness and red tape associated with building green.  Following up on last week, I also discuss if concrete slab edge insulation is important in a hot climate for keeping cool. Upcoming events mentioned in the show: HIVE Prefab open day: It's free! http://www.prefabnz.com/Events/Upcoming-Events/HIVE_2013/ Green Property Summit, from the New Zealand Green Building Council and the Property Council of New Zealand http://www.greenpropertysummit.org.nz/ Breathe New Urban Village Project, with my hero Kevin McLoud http://www.futurechristchurch.co.nz/breathe You can find me at: http://homestylegreen.com/ nz.linkedin.com/pub/matthew-cutler-welsh/16/789/6b6/ http://www.youtube.com/homestylegreen https://www.facebook.com/HomeStyleGreen Thanks to James Schramko over at Superfastbusiness.com for recommending Auphonic. I've tried it out this wee