Breaking Money Silence

Do couples need to be equally involved in managing money? | Episode 25



Julie Littlechild, Founder, Absolute Engagement The idea that couples don’t need to be equally involved in managing money sounds contrary to popular financial planning mindsets. Kathleen and Julie discuss what happens when both individuals in a couple are not equally involved in finances, how to handle expectations, and improve effective communications around money. Listeners walk away with tips on how to reframe the money conversation, decide who is better equipped to take the lead on execution vs. vision for finances, and how advisors can help draw both individuals into the discussion. Special Announcement for Breaking Money Silence Podcast Listeners: Julie's first book, 'The Pursuit of Absolute Engagement' was released in January 2017. More information is available at where listeners can download the first chapter free. Julie Littlechild is a speaker, writer, and researcher. Her firm, Absolute Engagement, conducts on-going research into the drivers of personal, client and