Breaking Money Silence

Will aging parents communicate with you about money? | Episode 21



Kelly Pelissier, Creative Director and owner of Sage Hill Design Does talking to your parents about money make you feel like a child? As our parents age, we may find ourselves in the position of parent in many aspects. Kelly and Kathleen delve into this money myth in today’s episode. Listen and learn how to approach your parents for this difficult conversation. Key Take Aways: Starting the conversation with loving intent. Acknowledging your parents’ difficult feelings about the topic. Introducing the idea and then letting them set up a time later on to discuss the topic in more detail. Know that it is a journey not a one time conversation. Give your parents control over what financial information to share and when. Know that breaking money silence with your aging parents allows you to learn more about your family history and more about them as people, not just parents. Special Offer: For Breaking Money Silence® podcast listeners a complimentary 30 minute consultation with Kelly to discuss your