Breaking Money Silence

Should family finances be managed and controlled by one person? | Episode 19



Elaine King Family Business Advisor™ and a Certified Financial Planner®  Should family finances handled or controlled by only one person in the family? Elaine and Kathleen delve into this myth and examine how getting the entire family involved in financial discussions and decisions can actually strengthen the family. It also will prepare and educate kids to be able to make responsible financial decisions as they leave home and start their own careers. Their advice is to not give up, it may not always be easy but it can be very rewarding. Special Offers: Elaine offers Breaking Money Silence™ podcast listeners a free download of Chapter One of her book, Family & Money Matters. Visit her web site Family and Money Matters here to download the chapter. She is also offering 40% off a financial plan to our listeners through December 31, 2016. When you schedule a consultation with Elaine here, please add KBK to the Comments. Elaine King is a Family Business Advisor™ and a Certified Financial Planner™. Elaine is c