Blacksmither Radio

Ep 115 Ellen Durkan "Forged Fashion"



This is week I have a returning guest, Ellen Durkan, from Delaware.  She’s an incredibly talented artist blacksmith that has a line of metal dresses called Forged Fashion.  She is also an adjunct professor at the Delaware College of Art and Design.  She will be a demonstrator at the upcoming CBA Spring Conference and that also happens to be the sponsor for today’s episode.  This year is their 40th anniversary, so it’s a big event and Dennis Dusek and his conference crew have been diligently planning for the past 6 months.  They have a talented line up of demonstrators, Zeevik Gottlieb, Lynda Metcalfe, Ellen Durkan, Haley Woodword, Colby Brinkman, David Lisch. The dates are April 12th through the 14th and if you register before March 22nd the price is $165 for all 3 days. The venue will be the Eldorado County Fairgrounds in Placerville, California. To register, head over to and click on the events tab for the online conference registration button. What We Talked About Ellen is teaching drawin