Blacksmither Radio

100th ep Final



Yup, this is my 100th episode.  Bob Menard from the New England Blacksmiths just asked me the other day did you envision the 100th when you started?  The answer is NO Way! The reason I started this podcast 3 years ago was to help create a tighter knit blacksmith community around the world, to aid and encourage forging new connections by having casual conversations every week so we can learn a little something about our peers.  I thought I would talk about a few of the connections I’ve made over the past 3 years and about some of the connections that a few listeners have made by listening to the podcast.  Then I’ll jump right into another JayBurn Journal (an article written by Jay Burnham Kidwell) about different kinds of forging connections such as riveting, hot metal wrapping, mortise and tenon and such.   Summary: Hot Connections Forge Welding Arc Welding MIG Welding Tig Welding Oxy/acetelyne, oxy/propane gas welding Oxy/acetelyne, oxy/propane gas brazing and soldering Forge brazing Forge soldering Mortise