Blacksmither Radio

Episode #55 "2016 Future"



Welcome to 2016 on the Blacksmither Radio show.  This is episode #55 and I’m going to talk about a few things I have planned for you and for me. The theme of 2016 is “Education” for me, for BlacksmitHer radio, and for you!  I thought it was fitting since the theme of this year’s ABANA conference is “education” too!  A few things that are playing into this theme and the first one is super exciting to me! I’m introducing BlacksmitHer Academy, .  The main mission of the academy is offer top notch blacksmithing education online.  You will be able to learn from the best blacksmiths around the world right from your own home.  It’s like I’m bringing the instructors to you – no travel expenses needed. There will be: Live blacksmithing workshops that are online in my new virtual classroom, they will have specific dates and times And eventually professionally created online technique courses, where you can learn at your own pace. Each course will have pictured tutorials, audio of the instru