Our Thoughts... Per Se

Episode 6- This Episode is Late. Blame Ikea.



As the title may have indicated, this episode is late and you should blame Ikea. I, Meghan, do all of our editing after we record... and I threw out my back on Sunday putting together a new Ikea bed. I didn't feel like editing, I felt like sitting around and crying, so that's what I did. And I threw this podcast together in haste... so if you hear some echos and if Ashley says a bad word right after one of our intro clips... that's why.==========================================================Here are some highlights:==========================================================-Banter and News-*Happy Birthday to my little cousin Emily. The day we recorded, it was her birthday. Woot!*One of our loyal listeners, Ryan Loof, is running in the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure. Please donate HERE!! It's a great cause, and we're very much in support of curing and eliminating breast cancer!*Vote! In our Weird News Poll!-That Steams My Buns-*Meghan thinks Judge Judy needs to take a Xanex*Ashley is going to