Our Thoughts... Per Se

Episode 2- Keeping It Un-Political



Our very second podcast!!!Warning: The audio levels are off a little bit. Ashley sounds like she's whispering and I sound like I'm shouting (I am). If you are listening to the podcast in the car... or... well, anywhere... be warned that right after Weird News comes the intro to Loose Lips Sink Ships, with the "gun shots". I made the damn podcast and it scared the crap out of me when I was in the car. SORRY! I'll have it fixed for the next one.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update: I adjusted the audio levels on the afternoon of 4/5, so Loose Lips shouldn't totally give you a heart attack, but if you downloaded before now... it will still be all funky. Good luck.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------So yes, as with the last one, we’re still working out the kinks... so bear with us. We’re trying, damn you.Side note: It’s always painful to go back and listen to yourself speak. Don’t ever decide to do a podcast. For ins