PMA Industry Report: Benefits of Performance Marketing for Bloggers



Welcome to the PMA Industry Report. PMA Board of Directors member, Angel Djambazov of Lab6 Media, hosts this episode which includes Publisher Recruitment Council Members: Carrol Lee, Business Development Specialist, for Schaaf-Partner Centric and Meaghan Causton, Publisher Development, for All Inclusive Marketing. Today's discussion centers on a new informative one sheet created by PMA Publisher Recruitment Council that outlines the benefits of performance marketing and the affiliate channel for bloggers. We go in-depth covering topics including: how affiliate marketing can empower bloggers; advantages of performance marketing over more popular monetization channels like AdWords; ways to find the right advertising partner; flexible types of ad units a blogger can use; and FTC disclosure when using affiliate links Resources covered in this podcast include: Official One-Sheet Guide: Benefits of Performance Marketing for Bloggers (click on image to download) Overview of FTC guidelines with examples c