
Timber 2-17-15 Show #77



Aphex Twin                                                   7 cutting Fatima                                                            Rest in Peace Mickeranno                                                   Dai Vetri Pädagogische Hochschule                         Dumpf (One) Homegas                                                       Bumblebee Benoît Pioulard                                            Tie A) Chester Davis and Congregation B) Compton Jones and Group C) Furry Lewis  Glory, Glory Hallelujah Heatsick                                                         Mimosa Aby Ngana Diop                                            Ndame Landers & Shumer                                      Melancholy Otis G Johnson                                             Time To Go Home Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti                      Hardcore Pops are Fun Annette Peacock                                           Gesture Without Plot Beth Gibbons                                                            8