Double Deuce Podcast

312: You’re Not Stabbin You’re Jabbin’



It’s the second episode goof-em-ups! The Notes: We look back fondly on 311! Will is a Banana Buttcrack! Will elucidates the reasons why he is and/or has a Banana Buttcrack! We spend more time discussing banana physiology than you’d likely prefer! The Banana Buttcrack you deserve! Nelson crafts an Applebee’s ad for Stefan in particular but also for the universe! Will tries to talk about cricket! The battle between baseball and cricket was fought and Will was there to spectate, dear listener! Baseball in England vs US high school baseball, who would win!? The corridor of uncertainty! The spooky ball drops! Happy Halloween! Vote this Tuesday if you haven’t already! Might we suggest Bart Littlejohn for Lawrence City Commission? Contact Us! Follow Us! Love Us! Email: Twitter & Instagram: @doubledeucepod Facebook: Also, please subscribe/rate/review/share us! We’re on iTunes, Android, Libsyn, Stitcher, Google, Spotify,, RadioPublic, pretty much