Sexy Vegan Radidio

Buff Or Bust Week #6 - What If I Miss the Gym?



I'm looking for a home workout that doesn't require equipment, that I can do if life doesn't let me go to the gym, Robert offers this...10 jumping jacks, followed by 10 pushups, followed by, 10 bodyweight squats. Then 9 jumping jacks, 9 pushups, and 9 squats. Then 8 jumping jacks, 8 pushups, and 8 squats. Do these continually all the way down to 1, and that's it! You can add other exercises like crunches or lunges, and as you progress you can start at a higher number of reps.If you have any quick and dirty home workouts you do, please share them in the comments I may be in the market for a new champion vegan bodybuilder to co-host this show... The winner of the Buff Or Bust Instagram contest is announced.    Show Notes: