Around The Lens

AtL 245 - Complete Hipocracy



Guests: Alex Tetreault, Seth Porges Topics: Engineer makes ultrarealistic recreations of real world enviromments An engineer made ultrarealistic setting for practicing photography in his free time. What do we think of these creations? Could this type of product be used as an effective teaching tool for either photography or filmmaking? Facebook responds to Netflix doc “The Social Dilemma” In a rare move, Facebook has responded to a documentary about its platform and the tools used to keep users engaged with its content. What do we think of Facebook’s response? What do we think of the Netflix documentary? Being stopped from taking photos with professional camera A photographer was stopped from using his professional DLSR camera in a public place, even though someone with smartphone would not be stopped from taking photos. What are our thoughts on these type of prohibitive photo policies? Is it fair to limit professional cameras and tripods from public areas? in the article the photographer