Around The Lens

AtL 241 - Two for the Price of One



Guests: B.A. Van Sise, Graeme Jennings, David Butow Topic – Political Photography Let’s talk about covering political photography in D.C. and how it has changed in the past decade. What have been the biggest changes in the past 10 years? How has the new administration affected the way politics are covered in D.C.? How do you think coverage of politics will change in the next administration? How has COVID affected how you work? News – Whitney faces backlash over photo exhibit debacle This article brings up a lot of good newsworthy topics. Although legal, should the Whitney have acquired images for an exhibit through a charity? Should the charity have placed a license on images it sold to prevent museums from using their images in the way they wanted to do? Should photographers even donate their work for charities? Gear – Panasonic Unveiles the S5 The S5, their newest and cheapest full frame mirrorless was just officially announced. What are our thoughts on this new camera. What are our thoughts on the recent f