Top Traders Unplugged With Niels Kaastrup-larsen | Engaging Conversations With The Top Traders & Investors

GM03: The Dollar losing its Reserve Currency Status ft. Erik Townsend



Todays’ guest is Erik Townsend, host of the (Macro voices podcast). Erik has an unusual background, as he had a very successful career as a technology entrepreneur before turning his hand to commodity trading. His background gives him a different perspective to many in the financial world, as we discovered in our conversation. Our discussion explored the possible consequences of the action taken by central banks in the last and current crisis; including rampant inflation, social unrest, and the overthrow of the dollar as the worlds reserve currency. As Erik said towards the end of our conversation “Put your seatbelt on, there could be some rough turbulence ahead”! Topics Discussed in this Episode MMT Inflation outlook & inflation hedging QE “Most of that money that was conjured out of thin air by central banks didn’t go to Main Street to provide more money in the pocket of the average consumer, it went to put more money in the pocket of the average investment banker to bu