Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

RQG 217 - Last Stand



Join Alex, Helen, Bryn, Lydia, and Ben as they stand together one last time.This week Hamid lends his luck, Azu takes a leap, Cel takes a hit, and Zolf makes a pact.Content Notes:Heights & fallingPhysical violenceFireBuilding collapseBombs & explosionsDiscussions of: decapitation & dismemberment, death, earthquakesMentions of: injury, burning & immolation, blood, alcoholSFX: gunshots, fire & explosions, rumbling & thrumming, building collapse, high pitched tone, occasional beepingEditing this week by Lowri Ann Davies, Tessa Vroom & Cathy Rinella.SFX this week by marcusgar, bevibeldesign, Nuclearboy, joedeshon, Asteroiderer, wertstahl, deleted_user_1371021, oldestmillennial, RunnerPack, EminYILDIRIM, TitanKaempfer, zimbot, BennettFilmTeacher, Benboncan, OGsoundFX, deleted_user_389799, V4cuum, hykenfreak and previously credited artists via always, today’s game system is available for free at out our merchandise available at https://w