All Star Network Mega Feed

#195 - Convert to Raid: BLIZZCON Coming Soon™



This week, Mick Montgomery (StormCast, The Starting Zone) and Tovo (2 Minute Tips) are back on the CtR crew! We have more information about the split between the raiders of Method and the new guild Serenity from a Manaflask interview this week. While there are no reports of personal drama, team focus and leadership have been discussed by both sides. The guys will give you the details inside! Blizzcon is only 6 weeks away! It’s time to check out what we’ll be getting with our Blizzcon tickets and virtual tickets this year. And why is it that World of Warcraft always gives out the best stuff? Plus, Archimonde changes help teams of all sizes, our Leading the Raid segment looks at guild hopping, plus a listener question on the upcoming class changes for Legion. In the Battlenet News, Diablo’s latest season starts to wane, and we’ll have a bit of a recap on the NA Qualifiers for Heroes of the Storm in Vegas and more!