All Star Network Mega Feed

#187 - Convert to Raid: The Last Raid of Warlords?



This week, CtR welcomes the guys from Line of Sight Gaming, Tattva and Tovo! In a recent interview, Cory Stockton (Lead Game Designer) announced that there were no more raids planned for Warlords of Draenor. If that’s the case, how long will we have to wait for the next expansion, and is there enough content in 6.2 to bridge the gap between Hellfire Citadel and the next expansion? What can Blizzard do to avoid another long lull between now and the next new content? Guilds are racing to world first in Hellfire, but how do they stack up? Where are some of our favorite top guilds at, and what new players have come along since last time? The crew will also take a look at some of the mythic encounters’ difficulty and give you a good overview, including when we might see a world first kill of Archimonde. Plus, the Warcraft movie is at the San Diego ComicCon! We’ve seen the pictures of all the armor and weapons, a great Legendary VR app that shows a 3D flyover of Stormwind, and heard all of the great news about turn