All Star Network Mega Feed

#183 - Convert to Raid: The Hall of Fame Game!



This week, the guys are back for all the latest WoW news… and beyond! Players got a preview of Hellfire Citadel in the form of a new post on the World of Warcraft website. Inside, it gives a broad overview of the characters and encounters raiders will face along with some very green pictures. Designers also gave some of their notes and insights on how they approached the encounters from a design perspective, which is a very cool twist! MMO-Champion released the latest raiding statistics for Blackrock Foundry. And while the health of raiding overall looks great, is there too large of a gap between heroic difficulty and mythic? The guys will give you the breakdown inside this episode. The Q&A with Lead Game Designer Ion Hazzikostas was pushed back a week to make room for a Heroes of the Storm lifestream event, and players erupted online. The CtR crew takes a look at some of the issues Warcraft players are facing right now, including the fact that WoW has to share the spotlight with some of the new Blizzard IPs.