Hello My Quilting Friends

104. Painting the Rabbit Hutch and Puttering Around



This week I'm puttering around the yard and in the house and decided to bring you along with me! Help me paint my rabbit hutch and clean off a big table so it's ready for a new project! Read more here: https://freemotionproject.com/2019/05/painting-my-rabbit-hutch-and-puttering-around.htmlHelp support this podcast and make new friends! Join Leah's Quilting Friends Club here: https://www.quiltfriends.club/Hello My Quilting Friends is a podcast created by Leah Day that is all about quilting, running a creative business, and finding balance between work, quilts, and life. Find all the episodes published so far right here: https://leahday.com/podcastYou can also find a handy playlist with all the podcasts shared so far: https://youtu.be/48RXKFdcgsI?list=PLNkZhEjxH0nJmpNGCjE33ebcV6g_0qEhnThis podcast is sponsored by Leah's website where you can find books and online workshops on machine quilting, tools, patterns, and much more! Check out the store here: https://leahday.com/collections/shopDo yo