Mads Singers Management Podcast

MSMP 125: Sheri Miter on Finding your Strengths and Creating a Well-Rounded Team



Joining me in today's episode for the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than entrepreneur-at-heart, super mom of 3 boys is Sheri Miter!Before finding her calling, Sheri joined her husband in his chimney cleaning business for ten years. While she was helping her husband on his side gig, Sheri eventually got into network marketing, where she found that she enjoyed doing it. Despite succeeding in this field and achieving a lot, Sheri felt this angst inside her and looked for something she could call her own. Unlike most people during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sheri was prepared for the abrupt changes the pandemic brought along. She even had solutions to help her friends, and because of this, going back to finding the strengths of other people and getting certified, and combined with the support of her husband, Sheri discovered her true calling. Contrary to the fact that we humans should be well-rounded, Sheri believes that we aren't meant to be well-rounded (and it's completely okay not to know everythi