Help! I Am Artist Podcast

Connecting with your Art Collectors



You've carefully created your art and are ready to share it with the world. It's time to get your art into the hands of your potential buyers. Your next step is to market your art.   Marketing may feel overwhelming, but promoting your work can be just as creative and satisfying as making your art. It's never been a more exciting time for artists to promote and sell their art. The online space offers you powerful opportunities to connect with audiences you may never have considered before.   Your first step in creating an effective marketing plan for your art and getting more out of your social media is to understand better who your art audience is. Who is this mysterious art buyer?  Where can you find the right audience to promote and sell your art to? You may have heard the saying: 'If you plan to reach everybody, you will invariably reach nobody.' So true, especially when it comes to selling your art.   The more defined your art audience is, the easier and more effective you'll be able to reach them. In thi